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JavaScript SDK API



If Node.js is the chosen environment, a dedicated Node.js SDK can be made available for utilizing this method.


This tool performs safe arithmetic operations. Ensure that you provide values as strings rather than integers or floating-point numbers to accurately maintain their values when used as variables.

Use + for addition, - for subtraction, x for multiplication, and / for division.

const operation = "+"; // Addition
const a = "5.2231";
const b = "6";
const decimal = 4;
const result = CKSDK.tool.arithmetic(operation, a, b, decimal);


The result will always be a string.

Decimal to Integer

This tool converts decimals to integers safely. You can optionally output the value in BigInt format by passing an additional variable into the function; otherwise, it will always output the value as a string.

const value = "5.2231";
const decimal = 4;
const outputBigInt = true;
const result = CKSDK.tool.dec_to_int(value, decimal, outputBigInt);

Integer to Decimal

This tool converts integers to decimals safely.

const value = "52231";
const decimal = 4;
const result = CKSDK.tool.int_to_dec(value, decimal);


The result will always be a string.

Pagination filters

This SDK API provides options for performing pagination queries.


If Node.js is the chosen environment, a dedicated Node.js SDK can be made available for utilizing this method.

Options include:

  • users
  • destinations
  • travelRules
  • ledger
  • pool
  • accounts
  • transactions
    • transfer
    • sweepDeposit
    • sweepWithdrawal
    • sweepGasStation
    • sweepSignerWalletBase
    • gasStation
    • rebalance

Here's an example using the transactions -> transfer filter:

const params = CKSDK.pagination.filters.transactions.transfer;

Here's an example output of the above:

    // -- Snip --
        "key": "tid",
        "type": "string",
        "text": "Tx ID",
        "value": null,
        "key": "uid",
        "type": "string",
        "text": "UID",
        "value": null,
    // -- Snip --

Here are the value types:

  • string: Represents a string value.
  • Date: Denotes a Date object. Eg. new Date('now').
  • boolean: Represents either true or false.
  • number: Denotes a numerical value. Eg. !isNaN("5.2").



This scope covers both signer and admin roles. admin cannot approve their own actions and must be approved by other admin.

Set Destination Address

In the transfer procedure, users are required to provide the destination address for their transaction transfer recipient. Typically, this destination address must undergo approval before the transfer can proceed.

const types = [
  { text: "Self Hosted", value: "self-hosted" },
  { text: "Provider (Exchange / Custodian)", value: "provider" },

// Returns a Promise
    chain_id: "bitcoin",
    address: "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
    // For Travel Rule
    name: "Ahmad Damha",
    country: "Malaysia",
    caddress: "1, Jalan 2, Taman Tiga, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia",
    contact: "600-1122334455",
    email: "",
    reference: "This is a test",
    type: types[0].value, // "self-hosted"
    typeName: "Ledger Hardware Wallet",
    addressSignature: "637b9be6f950135997306976c6dea4d1bc956c17b985194ee7398697949e8b07798eba71eb37becca027ceacd55c1ebc67131a98bf0f30fa8b6ae9c7df42ae0762326431356331376431663263646530343564373331336461616666396437663437613962386364343336373133313661663430633734663330613931643539",
    addressSignatureInput: ""

For the "Self Hosted" type, you must define the following variables:

  • addressSignature: This is the signature digest of the message signing of the address value using the private key for proof of address ownership. WalletConnect can be used to sign the address as a message.

  • addressSignatureInput: This is the Public Key for Ripple or Solana SPL-Token only.


Only one destination address can be set at a time per chain.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "id": "66c56b3e66a0c500120d9237",

Retrieve Deposit Address

If your platform involves accepting coins or tokens as part of your product or service, such as for digital asset trading, you'll need a temporary deposit address for each user to receive incoming funding.


The address is unique for each chain and changes with every credential reset!

// Returns a Promise
  chain_id: "ethereum",
  index: 0 // Optional

For admin with the permission to sweep, deposits can be transferred into a multi-signature transaction assigned to receive them.

Create a deposit address by specifying the index parameter integer value, which is optional and defaults to zero (0) if not provided. This allows you to generate multiple deposit addresses for your users, with no limit on the number of addresses that can be created.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "address": "0x391EF99987f60CE0cf3382FE00295B0c1e8DE6b5",
      "index": 0

Retrieve Signer Wallet Address

// Returns a Promise
    chain_id: "solana",
    label: "Account 1",
    message: "A message to sign for proof of ownership" // Optional

Your system should also maintain a record of all the labels created by your users, as each label corresponds to a specific address generated deterministically.

If a message value is provided, the wallet will attempt to sign the message using its private key. Exercise caution when exposing this feature to your users, as they may inadvertently sign a transaction that was not intended.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "address": "9oZ3kPXx1wmnBuDMqiiyKBFt1KKMVT1gPE92N243dfMj",
      "signature": "4923391799a54860d7408aa8b889e126a3fb1af51ba17474d627af35c53f183bf8c7b4e2ea528cc2702afa6646f131eeaa525b5a2194a50002097e2aa1f53903"

Transfer Transaction

// Returns a Promise
  chain_id: "solana",
  from: "AS1yfbX6dx9dJd8fiey3uc22anb6KGZz6USSB8zmGW92",
  to: "J6pZKwXQhbA7WEKKBc2cY7gFSLyAyJNUkpetsZDFTpjp",
  amount: "0.5",
  memo: "This is a test",
  reference_id: "TICKET-123",
  estimateFee: false // Optional

The from field represents the address of the user's Signer Wallet or a Withdrawal account.

The to field value must match the destinations entry in the Read endpoint.

The amount is a string of decimals and it should not exceed the limits specified by your Read endpoint.

The memo field is limited to 256 characters.

The reference_id is your system-generated reference ID for this transaction.

The estimateFee is a boolean flag that, when set, returns the estimated transaction cost without executing the transaction.

Example response:


If you failed to retrieve the transaction ID (tid) due to a loss of connection, please verify the status of the transaction against List Transactions - transfer.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "tid": "66c56b0d66a0c500120d9234"

Smart Contract Transaction


This method doesn't immediately execute the transaction and may undergo stages of approval depending on your setup.


For ERC-20 or SPL-Token Token transfer, please use the Transfer Transaction API mentioned previously.

// Returns a Promise
  chain_id: "ethereum",
  from: "0x18682333780a7a2FeBBD0F7Bf6EAb9d37Ae16bFe",
  address: "0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984",
  method: "borrow",
  methodArgs: [ "12050" ],
  reference_id: "TICKET-124",
  estimateFee: false, // Optional
  target_chain_id: false // Optional

The from field represents the address of the user's Signer Wallet or Deposit.

The address field represents the address of the smart contract to interact with. This smart contract must already be approved by the organisation via the Client Administration platform.

The method and methodArgs can be obtained from the Back-End REST API Smart Contract Lookup Interface section.

The reference_id is your system-generated reference ID for this transaction.

The estimateFee is a boolean flag that, when set, returns the estimated transaction cost without executing the transaction.

The target_chain_id is utilized to recover transfers made to a token deposit address on the wrong network.

Example response:


If you failed to retrieve the transaction ID (tid) due to a loss of connection, please verify the status of the transaction against List Transactions - interact.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "tid": "66d48fe2ebb3b700115fe55b"

Omnibus Withdrawal


This method doesn't immediately execute the transaction and may undergo stages of approval depending on your setup.

// Returns a Promise
  chain_id: "solana",
  amount: "1000",
  memo: "Test withdraw from Omnibus account",
  reference_id: "TICKET-125"

The maximum amount value should be the balance of the user's Dynamic Ledger or any value defined by your back-end Read endpoint.

The memo field is limited to 256 characters.

The reference_id is your system-generated reference ID for this transaction.

The recipient of a withdrawal request would be the address value defined in the Set Destination Address action mentioned previously.

Example response:


If you failed to retrieve the withdrawal ID (id) due to a loss of connection, please verify the status of the request against List Transactions.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "id": "66c56d6666a0c500120d923b"



This scope is exclusive to the admin role. admin cannot approve their own actions and must be approved by other admin.

Approve / Reject Destination Address


The decision made for the destination address will automatically apply to any attached travel rule information.

const decisions = [
  { text: "Approve", value: "approve" },
  { text: "Reject", value: "reject" },

// Returns a Promise
  _id: "<destination_id>",
  decision: decisions[0].value, // "approve"
  remark: "Additional information to include",

The _id represents the Destination ID obtained from the Back-End REST API Information List Destinations.

The remark field is required for the reject decision.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "id": "66c5338caf2057001226d679"

Approve / Reject Travel Rule

const decisions = [
  { text: "Approve", value: "approve" },
  { text: "Reject", value: "reject" },

// Returns a Promise
  _id: "<travel_rule_id>",
  decision: decisions[0].value,
  remark: "Additional information to include",

The _id represents the Travel Rule ID obtained from the Back-End REST API Information List Travel Rules.

The remark field is required for the reject decision.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "id": "66b974505e39400012dabd34"

Approve / Reject Transaction Request

const decisions = [
  { text: "Approve", value: "approve" },
  { text: "Reject", value: "reject" },

// Returns a Promise
  _id: "<tx_pool_id>",
  from: "AS1yfbX6dx9dJd8fiey3uc22anb6KGZz6USSB8zmGW92", // Optional
  decision: decisions[0].value,
  remark: "Additional information to include",

The _id represents the Dynamic Transaction Pool ID obtained from the Back-End REST API Dynamic Transaction Pool List Transactions.

The value for the from field is specifically applicable to the Omnibus Withdrawal procedure, where it can be retrieved from the Back-End REST API Dynamic Transaction Pool Retrieve Integrated Accounts.

The remark field is required for the reject decision.

Example response:

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "id": "66c56d6666a0c500120d923b"



This section pertains exclusively to admin with sweep permissions.

The destinations for sweeping or rebalancing actions are the designated hot wallet or cold wallet multi-signature addresses that have specific flag options set within the CoKeeps Administration Platform.

Sweep Deposits

// Returns a Promise{
  chain_id: "litecoin",
  to: "QXgcRFDWAXbj7QQ7VdZC9vC6U1LUqy5yU9",
  uids: [ "c80df78a-95ef-4717-8c0d-081fcb352994" ], // Optional
  baseChain: false, // Optional
  minimumThreshold: false, // Optional
  target_chain_id: false // Optional

The to field is the one or more sweep destination addresses that have been configured.

The uids field is an array of specific UUIDs representing the collective deposits you wish to sweep. If not provided, the operation will sweep everything from deposit addresses with a balance, which is the common scenario.

The baseChain field is a boolean flag that, when set, will sweep the native currency if the balance exceeds the dust threshold or the Gas Station funding minimum deposit.

The minimumThreshold field is a decimal number in string format that, when set, will ignore any deposit balances equal to or below the threshold value.

The target_chain_id is utilized to sweep the network coin balance that was utilized to recover tokens deposited to an incorrect network. Entry in uids must be provided.

Example response:


You can verify the status of the sweep against List Transactions - sweep-deposit.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "processing": [
          // -- Snip --
            "address": "QgDYu6CGSgz8cbw6VjmLEvQM6UMHKWqRbd",
            "uid": "66b89a8d3f5a710012eb6e2c",
            "tid": "66b960f97a6a430012ead003",
            "error": false
          // -- Snip --

Sweep Withdrawal

This method is exclusively used to transfer the entire balance from a Withdrawal account to a Holding account, unlike the Transfer Transaction, which can only send funds to approved destinations. Please note that a dust amount may still remain in the balance.

// Returns a Promise{
  chain_id: "litecoin",
  from: "QQ4fnSJPWxBPC4RPH4U8J9ucgFvecqvbBK",
  to: "QXgcRFDWAXbj7QQ7VdZC9vC6U1LUqy5yU9",
  baseChain: false // Optional

The to field is the one or more Holding addresses that have been configured.

The from field represents the Withdrawal account address to sweep from.

The baseChain field is a boolean flag that, when set, will sweep the native currency if the balance exceeds the dust threshold or the Gas Station funding minimum deposit. If the Withdrawal account is a Multi-Signature account, it will also sweep the member balance.

Example response:


You can verify the status of the sweep against List Transactions - sweep-withdrawal.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "processing": [
          // -- Snip --
            "address": "QQ4fnSJPWxBPC4RPH4U8J9ucgFvecqvbBK",
            "tid": "66b971484fec6500121738ff",
            "error": false
          // -- Snip --

Sweep Gas Station

This method allows you to clear the balance of a Gas Station account and transfer it to a Holding account. Ensure that another Gas Station is active if there are addresses that still need automatic funding for gas payments.

// Returns a Promise{
  chain_id: "optimism",
  from: "0xb43ddb4c9D42c05Bbcc237BD8d1C74DDD44710aD",
  to: "0x54105432f2b0caeb3AD7119696ED5B14c2e1C1D3"

The to field is the one or more Holding addresses that have been configured.

The from field represents the Gas Station account address to sweep from.

Example response:


You can verify the status of the sweep against List Transactions - sweep-gas-station.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "tid": "66d4a1c1ebb3b700115fe55e"

Sweep Signer Wallet Base

This method allows you to clear the funded base balance of Signer Wallets that do not have any token balance.

// Returns a Promise{
  chain_id: "usdt",
  to: "0xF089B217705cf3B9aDFF4757171F72318554820b",
  uids: [ "c80df78a-95ef-4717-8c0d-081fcb352994" ], // Optional

The to field is the one or more sweep destination addresses that have been configured.

The uids field is an array of specific UUIDs representing the collective signer wallets you wish to sweep. If not provided, the operation will sweep everything from signer wallet addresses base balances, which is the common scenario.

Example response:


You can verify the status of the sweep against List Transactions - sweep-signer-wallet-base.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "processing": [
          // -- Snip --
            "address": "0x49d0A29FAa7F36161740f0A046e0e976A918C8CE",
            "tid": "66c5b16d60e4f50012f15d7c",
            "error": false
          // -- Snip --


// Returns a Promise{
  chain_id: "solana",
  from: "J6pZKwXQhbA7WEKKBc2cY7gFSLyAyJNUkpetsZDFTpjp",
  to: "38PBWTJJEqCXHQhtRDs3gmsWY4Vtq87arhmTkm5UcSen",
  amount: "70:30", // or "15.663" SOL
  execute: false // Default

The from and to fields represent either a Withdrawal or Holding account address configured for re-balancing between these accounts.

The amount field must be a string that can be represented either as a fixed decimal amount or as a ratio. A ratio value is represented as from_percentage:to_percentage. For example, if the combined balance of the "from" and "to" accounts is 1,000 and the ratio is "30:70", the rebalance procedure will result in the "from" account having a new balance of 300 and the "to" account having a balance of 700.

The execute field is a boolean flag. By default, it returns the summary of the rebalance. If set to true, it will execute the rebalance procedure.

Example response:


You can verify the status of the rebalance against List Transactions - rebalance.

  "success": true,
  "message": "OK",
  "rdata": {
      "tid": "66b8a2c61f071a0012dc03f3",
      "from": "J6pZKwXQhbA7WEKKBc2cY7gFSLyAyJNUkpetsZDFTpjp",
      "to": "38PBWTJJEqCXHQhtRDs3gmsWY4Vtq87arhmTkm5UcSen",
      "holdingAddress": "38PBWTJJEqCXHQhtRDs3gmsWY4Vtq87arhmTkm5UcSen", 
      "withdrawalAddress": "J6pZKwXQhbA7WEKKBc2cY7gFSLyAyJNUkpetsZDFTpjp",
      "error": false